How to Have a Pip Editable Install Not Install Dependencies That Are Already Installed in Editable Mode
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How to Have a Pip Editable Install Not Install Dependencies That Are Already Installed in Editable Mode

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Imagine you’re working on a Python project and you’ve installed several packages in editable mode using pip’s `-e` flag. You’re thrilled to be working on the bleeding edge of package development, but then you hit a snag. When you try to install a new package that depends on one of the packages you’ve already installed in editable mode, pip insists on reinstalling the dependent package. But you don’t want that to happen! You want to tell pip, “Hey, I’ve already got that package installed in editable mode, just use that one!”

Well, worry no more! In this article, we’ll explore the solution to this common problem and guide you through the process of having a pip editable install not install dependencies that are already installed in editable mode.

Understanding the Problem

Before we dive into the solution, let’s take a step back and understand why this problem occurs in the first place. When you install a package in editable mode using `pip install -e .`, pip creates a link to the package’s source code in your project’s directory. This allows you to make changes to the package and see the effects immediately.

However, when you try to install a new package that depends on the package you’ve installed in editable mode, pip doesn’t realize that the dependent package is already installed. It thinks, “Hey, I need to install this dependency, so I’ll just go ahead and install it!” And that’s when the trouble starts.

The Solution: Using the `–no-deps` Flag

The solution to this problem lies in using the `–no-deps` flag when installing the new package. This flag tells pip to not install the dependencies of the package you’re trying to install. But wait, you might be thinking, “If I use `–no-deps`, won’t that break my package installation?” Fear not, dear reader, for we’ve got a workaround.

Here’s the magic command:

pip install --no-deps -e .

This command tells pip to install the package in editable mode (`-e .`) and not install its dependencies (`–no-deps`).

Example Scenario

Let’s say you have a package called `my_package` that depends on `requests`. You’ve already installed `requests` in editable mode using:

pip install -e ~/projects/requests

Now, you want to install `my_package` in editable mode, but you don’t want pip to reinstall `requests`. Here’s what you would do:

pip install --no-deps -e ~/projects/my_package

By using the `–no-deps` flag, you’re telling pip to not reinstall `requests`, which is already installed in editable mode.

Using a `requirements.txt` File

In many cases, you’ll have a `requirements.txt` file that lists all the dependencies for your project. If that’s the case, you can modify the file to include the `–no-deps` flag.

Here’s an example `requirements.txt` file:

-e .

In this file, the `–no-deps` flag is specified before the package name `my_package`. This tells pip to not install the dependencies of `my_package`.

Then, you can install the dependencies using:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Gotchas and Caveats

While the `–no-deps` flag is a powerful tool, there are some cases where it might not work as expected.

Dependency Conflicts

If you have multiple packages that depend on the same package, but with different versions, you might run into dependency conflicts. For example, let’s say you have `package_a` that depends on `requests==2.25.1` and `package_b` that depends on `requests==2.26.0`. If you try to install both packages using `–no-deps`, pip might not be able to resolve the dependency conflict.

In such cases, you’ll need to resolve the dependency conflict manually by specifying the correct version of the dependent package.

Missing Dependencies

If you’re using `–no-deps`, make sure that all the dependencies are already installed in editable mode. If a dependency is missing, pip won’t install it, and your package installation will fail.

To avoid this, make sure to install all the dependencies in editable mode before installing the package.


In this article, we’ve explored the solution to having a pip editable install not install dependencies that are already installed in editable mode. By using the `–no-deps` flag, you can tell pip to not reinstall dependencies that are already installed in editable mode.

Remember to use this flag judiciously, and be aware of the potential gotchas and caveats. With this knowledge, you’ll be able to manage your package dependencies like a pro!

Flag Description
-e Install package in editable mode
–no-deps Do not install dependencies
  • Use the `–no-deps` flag when installing a package in editable mode to avoid reinstalling dependencies.
  • Make sure all dependencies are already installed in editable mode before using `–no-deps`.
  • Avoid using `–no-deps` if you have dependency conflicts or missing dependencies.

By following these best practices, you’ll be able to efficiently manage your package dependencies and focus on what matters most – writing awesome code!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the scoop on how to have a pip editable install that doesn’t install dependencies already in editable mode!

How do I specify which dependencies to install in editable mode?

You can use the `–no-deps` flag when running `pip install -e` to prevent dependencies from being installed. For example, `pip install -e . –no-deps` will install the package in editable mode without installing its dependencies. However, be careful when using this flag, as it may cause issues if the dependencies are required for the package to function correctly.

Can I install dependencies in editable mode selectively?

Yes, you can use the `–only-binary` flag to specify which dependencies to install in editable mode. For example, `pip install -e . –only-binary some_dependency` will install only `some_dependency` in editable mode, while ignoring other dependencies.

How do I avoid reinstalling dependencies that are already in editable mode?

You can use the `–force-reinstall` flag to avoid reinstalling dependencies that are already in editable mode. For example, `pip install -e . –force-reinstall` will reinstall the package in editable mode, but skip reinstalling dependencies that are already in editable mode.

What if I want to install dependencies in editable mode only if they’re not already installed?

You can use the `–exists-action` flag to specify the behavior when a dependency is already installed. For example, `pip install -e . –exists-action s` will skip reinstalling dependencies that are already installed in editable mode.

Are there any risks or considerations when using pip editable install with dependencies?

Yes, there are risks and considerations when using pip editable install with dependencies. For example, if you install a dependency in editable mode, it may cause issues if the dependency has its own dependencies that are not installed in editable mode. Additionally, if you’re working on a team, using pip editable install with dependencies can lead to inconsistencies in the development environment. Be sure to communicate with your team and carefully consider the implications before using this approach.

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